Honestly it all started when I watched a DIY video. I cannot remember if it was on facebook or youtube. It showed someone making a simple little knife from an old rusty saw blade.
I came back to the subject months later and watched some of the great YouTube channels like Alec Steele, Freerk Wieringa, Michael Cthulhu and RvD Knifes. Especial RvD Knifes was very inspiring because of it’s more manual and simple approach without expensive tools and big workshops.
I planned what tools I would need for my start to try out making an easy knife. First I got a little desk belt grinder, a vice, a set of files and some clamps for my birthday. As I had not yet got a piece of knife steel I searched my garage and found a bar of aluminium from an old door. I took a pen and drew a simple knife form on it. I cut out the form with my angle grinder and then tried out my new belt grinder to rough in the form and grind the edges.

I even tried sharpening it but that did not work out too well.